Saturday, January 1, 2011


How time flies! Eleven years ago, on the eve of 2000, as I waited with family members the birth of the new millennium, I had no idea where I will be or be doing in the next decade. Now, I am here! Learning from each new day. However, my best lessons have not come from the classrooms or formal training halls. I have learnt the best from friends, family members, the man on the street and of course from various experiences.

It’s easy to say God is in charge of our lives, but it is very different when you feel or experience it. On the 19th of November 2010 and 26th December 2010, two instances stand out in my life which I will never forget. In both cases I definitely felt the hand of God. Not that I have not been feeling His presence. Far from that He has always been with me.

On the 19th of November 2010, we were driving from Nyazoro to Tibati when a quick succession of things went wrong with our pick-up and resulted to it somersaulting. As God will have it we all came out strong and hearty save for a few pains and bruises. I realized how close to death we are everywhere, every time.

On the 26th December 2010, I was stabbed on my chest by a bandit. I lost a lot of blood and felt a lot of pains. But it was also a very emotional moment. I was literally drowned in a pool of love from family, friends and well wishers. This made pains easier to bear. I thank God the knife did go through where it went, it could have gone through my neck, stomach or any other place that would have been fatal.

Just after I could not wash myself, put on my own dresses or go about my day to day activities as I have always done. This has filled me with a new sense of appreciation. So as I go into the New Year, I shall always thank God for the ability:

· To talk

· To touch

· To see

· To hear

· To feel pains

· To wash myself

· To put on my own dresses

· To walk

· To sing

· To dance

· To breath


The list is so long. I shall not wait when a so call “miracle” happens before I thank Him because I have discovered all of this can be taken at any time. And in fact all of these “little” acts are miracles.

I go in the New Year with a lot of love; for God, my family, friends and those I am in a position to help.

I go into the New Year with a prayer that He directs me to understand and live His will.

I go in to the New Year with a prayer for my friends to. May God grant them good health, joy, love, wealth, laughter and a peace of mind.

I go into the New Year with a thanksgiving in my heart

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


1. Press Conference
2. Project: “Entrepreneurship Holiday 2009”
3. 2009 Marathon Business Plan Competition
4. Gymnastic and Entrepreneurial race
5. Exhibition: Entrepreneurial Colors
6. 2009 Self Employment and Entrepreneurship
7. YBC-GEW fair
8. Special Networking Night
9. Entrepreneurial Excellence Night 2009
10. 2009 GEW Magazine
11. Partnership and sponsoring opportunities
12. Website performance and networking
13. Media plan activities
14. Corporate Entrepreneurship trainings

1. GEW 2009 Press Conference
Objective: Sensitize all national and international press to get them involved in the promotion of the GEW and its activities
Target: All newspapers, radios and audiovisuals
Dates: End of July, September-October and November (eve of event), 2009
Place: YBC headquarter and event site
Content: Press documents (GEW, YBC, and GERME), presentation of YBC activities and events, manuals and teaching aids.
Order: Reception, opening, signing of the Golden book, mini cocktail
Technical partners: LTM TV, Equinox TV, STV, journalists

2. Project: Entrepreneurship Holiday 2009

Objective: Make use of the 2009 holidays to offer trainings to many youths as possible who are passionate about self employment and who have business projects.
Target: Young students and unemployed graduates
Dates: August to September
Place: YBC headquarters and Maison des Jeunes, Bepanda.
Content: Self employment sensitization, selection of participants for training, trainings, award of certificates
Order: Registration (1500), coverage of all zones and quarters in the opening town of the project, search for sponsors, solemn closing ceremony with media coverage
Technical partners: GERME trainers, expert-consultants on business creation, banks and Micro Finance Banks partner NGOs

3. Gymnastic and Entrepreneurial Race
Objective: A sports activities day organized to demonstrate endurance and tenacity of entrepreneurs in their environment.
Target: Active entrepreneurs, general public, students and potential entrepreneurs (max: 1000 participants)
Date: 15 November 2009
Place: YBC headquarters at Grand Moulin
Content: Opening, sporting activities and solemn closing
Order: Registration, distribution of T-shirts to all participants, trajectory, police, water distribution points, gymnastics, taichi, recognition prizes to 5 participants
Technical partners: Referees (race, gymnastic, and taichi), Red Cross (safety) and doctors

4. 2009 Marathon Business Plan Competition
Objective: To give prizes to potential young entrepreneurs with the best plans with profitability and feasibility
Target: Youths (16-40 years)
Dates: 03 August – 30 October 2009
Places: Douala, Yaounde, Bafoussam, Buea, Dschang. Centralization: Douala
Content: Official launching, training workshop on business plan, experts and jury, prizes for the best projects, innovation and creativity
Order: Registration (2000), withdrawal of registration form, networking, training on business plan
Technical partners: NEF, CCIMA, GICAM, ICC, SYDUSTRICAM, MECAM, JCI, GERME trainers, experts and consultants on business creation.

5. Exhibition: Entrepreneurial Colours

Objective: Organize a plastic arts exhibition on the success story of Cameroonian entrepreneurs and prices given to the best works.
Target: micro entrepreneurs in plastic arts, CEOs, successful entrepreneurs
Dates: 16-22 November 2009
Place: GICAM hall, Maison des Jeunes, Bepanda
Content: Exhibition tables, profiles of entrepreneurs, presentations of distinguished cases
Order: Official opening, direct sales, Rendezvous, cocktail

6. Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Open Forum

Objective: A sensitization day on entrepreneurship as a solution to unemployment in order to incite youths to have a change in attitude an embrace self employment
Target: Students and unemployed graduates
Dates: 17-20 November 2009
Place: Maison de Combattent Bonanjo
Content: Forum, corresponding workshop, testimonies of entrepreneurs, training aids on business creation
Order: Innovation Market Place exhibition, sequential intervention of experts and consultants on predetermined themes
Technical partners: BELLOMAR CIG, Cordas Caritas, JCI, NEF, ILO

7. Special Networking Night 2009

Objective: Create a network between potential young entrepreneurs and successful entrepreneurs and representatives of local businesses
Target: Potential and active entrepreneurs
Dates: 20 November 2009
Place: Hotel Akwa Palace
Content: Friendly exchanges, networking, business opportunities, entrepreneurial passion, relaxation and refreshment
Order: Solemn opening, presentations, case studies, video announcement of business partners
Technical partners: Mountain Communication, JCI

8. GEW 2009 Fair
Objective: Instill in young students and graduates the culture of entrepreneurship………
Target: Students, potential entrepreneurs, unemployed graduates and artists
Dates: 18 – 20 November 2009
Place: Salle des Fêtes Akwa
Content: Games, karaoke, tombola, humor, entrepreneurship quizz, animation, entrepreneurship sensitization
Order: Installation, varied presentation, partners’ spots
Technical partners: SABC, MTN, CY Entertainment, Regional delegation MINCULT, SOCAM, JPS Production

9. Entrepreneurship Excellence Night 2009

Objective: Offer a grand recreation night in order to celebrate entrepreneurial excellence in emerging young entrepreneurs and give prizes to the best business plans of the Marathon Business Plan Competition 2009
Target: Participants of the Marathon Business Plan Competition, business partners of GEW09, invited persons, resource persons and press
Date: 21 November
Place: To be determined
Content: Humor, fashion parade, artists, recognition, excellent prizes, publication of Business plan competition
Order: Solemn opening, meal, entertainment, parchment, testimonies
Technical partners: Marathon Business Plan Competition jury, caterers

10. GEW09 Magazine Program

Objective: Offer a platform for our supporters to publicize their major events in YBC Magazine
Target: Advertisers, sponsors of YBC, experts-consultants on business creation, students and unemployed graduates
Dates: November 2009
Place: YBC Headquarters
Content: Articles and themes treating self-employment, business creation, taxation, project financing, business management, announcement and publicity etc
Order: Prospection of advertisers, editing of articles, assembly and printing, free distribution to partners and participants
Technical partners: Syneptique, Jules SOH L`ìnforgraph, expert-consultants of business creation, partner NGOs, banks and micro finance banks

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Dans le cadre de la Semaine Mondiale de l'Entrepreneuriat (Global Entrepreneurship Week), qui se célèbre cette année du 16 au 22 Novembre à la Maison des jeunes de Bepanda et sous le Haut Patronage du President de la Chambre de Commerce de l'industrie des Mines et de L'artisannat, l'ONG Youth Business Cameroon organise entre autres activités, une compétition de plan d'affaire denommee Marathon Business Plan Competition 2009 .
Dans le cardre du partenariat existant entre JCI Cameroun et YBC, tous les jaycees sont invités à participer massivement.



la cible est constituée de jeunes agés de 16 ans et plus, résidant au cameroun.


dépot de dossier au Siege de Youth Business Cameroon sis au quartier grand moulin, Deido, Douala - Cameroon avant le 30 Octobre 2009 .


Chèques d'accompagnement,
Ordinateurs complets, clés USB, packs téléphoniques,
Stages en entreprise,
Formations en création d'entreprise,
Accompagnements par des expert en developpement d'entreprises,
Certificats de participation...




Le jury est assuré par des expert reconnus et de rigueur morale avérée.Dans le souci de proteger les informations transmises par les candidats, les membres du jury signent dans le cadre de cettte compétition une Charte de Confidentialite qui justifie leur responsabilité en cas de divulgation non autorisé d'information mises à leur disposition.


Etre jeune agé de 16 ans et plus,
Remplir une fiche de candidature disponible au siege de Youth Business Cameroon sis au quartier Grand-moulin, Deido à Douala
Remplir et signer une fiche d'engagement
Déposer son dossier(4 Plans d'affaire, fiche de candidature, fiche d'engagement) avant le 30 Octobre 2009 à 15 h au siege de l'ONG sis au quartier Grand-moulin, Deido à Douala .

Contacts: BP 5717, Douala-Cameroun,

79 72 02 98, 99 99 76 80

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


For one week, millions of young people around the world will join a growing movement of entrepreneurial people, to generate new ideas and to seek better ways of doing things. Countries across six continents are coming together to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, an initiative to inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity. To think big, turn their ideas into reality and make their mark.

From 16 - 22 November 2009, Global Entrepreneurship Week will connect young people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. Students, educators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, employees, non-profit leaders, government officials and many others will participate in a range of activities, from online to face-to-face, and from large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings.

Through this initiative, the next generation of entrepreneurs will be inspired and can emerge. In doing so, they will begin to acquire the knowledge, skills and networks needed to grow innovative, sustainable enterprises that have a positive impact on their lives, their families and communities.

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2008 was a great success and a brilliant example of what can be achieved by bringing together different ideas and cultures around the theme of enterprise. In 2009, we aim to unleash young people's ideas around the issues that matter most to society, from poverty reduction through to climate change, and to foster a global culture which recognizes entrepreneurs as drivers of economic and social prosperity.

Seven days, four goals

Inspire. We introduce entrepreneurship to young people under the age of thirty who otherwise might not have considered it as a career path.

Connect. We network young people and organizations across national boundaries to discover new ideas at the intersection of cultures and disciplines.

Mentor. We enlist active and inspiring entrepreneurs around the world to coach and mentor the next generation of enterprise talent as they pursue their dreams.

Engage. We demonstrate to opinion leaders and policymakers how entrepreneurship is central to a nation's economic health and culture, and give them the opportunity to learn about each other's entrepreneurial policies and practices


Last week Make Your Mark released a policy briefing that explains why we’re doing Global Entrepreneurship Week. It’s called ‘Taking Entrepreneurship Global’, and is attached. In a nutshell, the argument is:
1. Entrepreneurs are the engines of growth.
2. Entrepreneurs need inspiration, resources and markets to succeed.
3. The world is more connected than ever before. Which opens up new opportunities to find inspiration, resources and markets.
4. This is particularly relevant for young people.
5. So we all need to do more to help young people take advantage of these opportunities.
It ends with recommendations for governments, educationalists, businesses, the media(traditional and on-line/social media), and entrepreneurs. And it says that we need to work together, globally, to do this.


About YBC
Youth Business Cameroon (YBC) is an initiative of young Cameroonians from different works of life who are concerned with the problem of youth unemployment and its related problems.

YBC Vision
To promote individual and collective initiatives that can contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment by promoting and supporting self employment

YBC Activities
1. Training of youths in leadership, entrepreneurship and citizenship.
2. Training of young entrepreneurs on management, accounting and ICT as it relates to entrepreneurship.
3. Provide information and communication in Business development and management.
4. Advocating for youth entrepreneurship

Opportunities at YBC
1. Self employment after training of participants
2. Mentoring of young entrepreneurs by experienced entrepreneurs (that will come from already established enterprises).
3. Networking with other entrepreneurs
4. Volunteering and participation
5. Employment
6. General capacity building trainings for both boys and girls of all educational levels